General instructions to prepare samples for ICP-MS

All the samples must be in aqueous medium. No solid samples will be analyzed. Instead, solid samples should be digested by the applicant before bringing them to the ICP.

All the samples should be filtered through a 0.2 µm filter in order to avoid the presence of micro-precipitates that could damage the equipment. Additionally, all the sampling tubs should be cleaned with HNO3 2% and ultrapure water before pouring the sample in them.

The maximum concentration of salts should be less than 0.1%. In the case the salt concentration is higher than 0.1%, the sample should be diluted with HNO3 2%.

In order to avoid any damage to the nebulizer, the torch and the sprychamber, HF must not be present in the samples. In the case the presence of HF cannot be avoided by any possible means, the applicant should let the technician know about it. Please, note that not providing this information could cause serious damage to the equipment.

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