Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Nuclear magnetic resonance is an absorption spectroscopy whose foundation is the absorption of radio frequency energy, by a magnetically active nucleus. The nucleus is oriented in a magnetic field and due to the absorbed energy, changes its orientation. Barcelona Research Center in Multiscale Science and Engineering has a Bruker NMR Ascend 400 of 400MHz equipped with two probes for a liquid and solid samples. The software Topspin was designed with a highly intuitive interface and is the industry standard for NMR data analysis and the acquisition and processing of NMR spectra.
Key features
- Dual BBO probe (Double Resonance Broad Band Probes) designed for analysis of liquid samples for carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and hydrogen. The temperature of the NMR probe can be controlled and allows basic 1D and 2D experiments with/without gradients (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HSQC, HMBC).
- H/X CP-MAS probe: Solid standard bore probes, available for 300-950 MHz for experiments with routine solids, Magic Angle Spinnig (MAS), Cross-Polarization (CP), Combined Rotation and Multiple Pulse Spectroscopy (CRAMPS). MAS rotors 4.0 mm (maximum spinning speeds 15 kHZ).
Contact/Application form
In order to book the equipment, please contact Xènia García de Andrés (
To order an analysis please download and fill out the Application Form (word / pdf ).
Please follow the general instructions to prepare samples for NMR!