Leica ACE600 high vacuum coater


Leica ACE600 high vacuum coater is a dedicated system for routine coating of non-conductive samples for subsequent examination in SEM, TEM and/or microprobe microscopes.  The coating is  usually done by the sputtering method, where argon plasma erodes a target material which is then deposited on the sample surface. Conductive coating can be performed also by carbon thread/rod evaporation which is important when low atomic number coating is required, especially for EDS or microprobe analysis. Our equipment is fully automated and able to use both methods: metal sputtering and carbon thread evaporation.

Key features

  • 2 coating sources: sputtering and C-thread evaporation
  • available metal targets: Au, Pt, Ir, Cr and W
  • Rotating sample stage, 24 positions for 12.7 mm SEM stubs; stage tilting up to 60º
  • Quartz (QSG) film thickness monitor with a resolution of 0.1nm,  6MHz quartz crystal
  • Ultimate vacuum <2x106 mbars
  • integrated touch panel, up to 100 protocols/recipes for material files and coating sequences


In order to use the equipment, please contact Trifon Trifonov ()