Postdoctoral Researcher for CIEFMA & R2EM

This project explores a novel Zr-Nb-Cr-Sn-Fe alloy for nuclear fuel rods, replacing Zircaloy with improved corrosion resistance and mechanical strength. The study focuses on the alloy's behavior under deep geological storage conditions, aiming to minimize hydrogen absorption.

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Postdoctoral Researcher for CIEFMA & R2EM

Deadline: 4th April 2025, but the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found 

Project description

The management of high-level nuclear waste, specifically spent fuel, presents n challenges with the incorporation of novel materials in nuclear fuel fabrication. The new material proposed for fuel rods, replacing Zircaloy, is an advanced alloy composed of Zr, Nb, Cr, Sn, and Fe. This alloy generally exhibits improved corrosion resistance, maintains high mechanical strength, and reduced hydrogen uptake minimizes embrittlement under operating conditions.

However, the behavior of this alloy under the expected conditions of a deep geological repository has not been studied. For this reason, the following research project is proposed.

In-situ XPS experiments at high temperature in presence of water vapor will be carried out to study their oxidation resistance.

Leaching experiments will be performed in bicarbonate/cementitious water to study the dissolution behavior of these materials.

Electrochemical techniques (cyclic voltammetry, potentiostatic and corrosion experiments) will be used to study their oxidation/reduction behavior and corrosion. The results will be treated with electrochemical models that will allow us to understand such behavior and to determine the variables that can potentially accelerate or decrease their corrosion.

Characterization of the evolution of the microstructure and the damage introduced after aging test, by use of microscopy techniques (SEM, FIB, EBSD, DRX, WDS, TOF-SIMS, TEM) as well as diffraction techniques (XRD).

Mechanical and micromechanical characterization by nanoindentation, contact tests as well as large specimen testing

Required profile

  • PhD in Chemical Engineering, Materials, Chemistry, Physics
  • Proficiency in advanced characterization tools (e.g., SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, Raman, FTIR Electrochemistry, Mechanical properties.

  • Key skills:
    • Ability to design, execute, and analyze experiments independently.
    • Bridging concepts across chemistry, physics, engineering, and materials science.
    • Innovative approaches to tackle complex scientific or engineering challenges.
    • Evidence of impactful research through peer-reviewed journal articles and
      conference presentations.


Laura Rubio
Project and Innovation Manager
Centre de Recerca en Ciència i Enginyeria Multiescala (CCEM)

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