Postdoctoral Researcher for CIEFMA & BTT

Center‬‭ for‬‭ Structural‬‭ Integrity,‬‭ Reliability‬‭ and‬‭ Micromechanics‬‭ of‬‭ Materials‬‭ (CIEFMA)‬ & Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering (BBT)‬ ‭

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Postdoctoral Researcher for CIEFMA & BBT

Deadline: 4th April 2025, but the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found 

Project description

This‬‭ project‬‭ aims‬‭ to‬‭ develop‬‭ micro-
‬‭ and‬‭ nanostructured‬‭ advanced‬‭ biomaterials‬‭ with‬‭ cell‬‭ instructive‬‭ and‬‭ antibacterial‬‭ properties‬‭ for‬‭ application‬‭ as‬‭ biomedical‬‭ implants.‬‭ To‬‭ this‬‭ end,‬‭ medically‬‭ relevant‬‭ material‬‭ surfaces‬‭ will‬‭ be‬‭ patterned‬‭ with‬‭ ultrashort‬‭ pulsed-direct‬‭ laser‬‭ interference,‬‭ fine-tuning‬‭ their‬‭ topography‬‭ and‬‭ the‬‭ micro-‬‭ and‬‭ nanoscale.‬‭ Subsequently,‬‭ the‬‭ surfaces‬‭ will‬‭ be‬‭ functionalized‬‭ with‬‭ biofunctional‬‭ peptides.‬‭ The‬‭ resulting‬‭ biomaterials‬‭ will‬‭ be‬‭ characterized‬‭ with‬‭ state‬‭ of‬‭ the‬‭ art‬‭ techniques‬‭ to‬‭ assess‬‭ their‬‭ physicochemical‬‭ and‬‭ mechanical‬‭ properties.‬‭ The‬‭ biological‬‭ performance‬‭ will‬‭ be‬‭ investigated‬‭ in‬‭ terms‬‭ of‬‭ stem‬‭ cell‬‭ behavior‬‭ and‬‭ antibacterial‬‭ responses,‬‭ with‬‭ special‬‭ focus‬‭ in‬‭ co-culture‬‭ setting‬‭ mimicking‬‭ scenarios of clinical infection.

Required profile

  • Education:
    •  PhD‬‭ in‬‭ Biomedical‬‭ Engineering,‬‭ Chemical‬‭ Engineering,‬‭ Materials‬‭ Engineering,‬‭ Chemistry, Physics or equivalent.‬
  • Research Experience:
    • A‬‭ proven‬‭ experience‬‭ in‬‭ the‬‭ design,‬‭ fabrication‬‭ and‬‭ characterization‬‭ of materials is required..
  • Key skills:
    • Design and fabrication of materials‬
    • Surface modification and functionalization‬
    • Physicochemical and mechanical characterization of materials‬
    • ‭Biological assays (cells and bacteria cultures)‬.
  • ‭Additional requirements‬:
    • Excellent track of publications‬
    • International mobility‬
    • Proficiency in English‬
    • Ability to work independently towards predefined goals‬
    • Excellent organizational skills‬‭


Laura Rubio
Project and Innovation Manager
Centre de Recerca en Ciència i Enginyeria Multiescala (CCEM)

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